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  • Rod Kackley

NYC's Scooter-Shooter, Death on Two Wheels: A Shocking True Crime Story

NYC’s scooter-shooter maniac, accused of picking off four people, killing one of them — an 86-year old who was on his way to a Queens mosque to pray — kept falling asleep at his court arraignment, Monday.

However, Thomas Abreu was in bed during the arraignment — a hospital bed. So maybe nodding off is kind of understandable.

Still, the judge had to stop the hearing several times to make sure the defendant hadn’t died. Or if he was even on this planet.

“Are you coherent enough to follow these proceedings today?” Judge Scott Dunn asked. “You keep closing your eyes — are you alert enough to go forward?”

Maybe he was really, I don’t know, “someplace else.”

“What happens is I think they wanted to kill me or murder me,” Abreu told the judge through a Spanish interpreter. “Everyone says I’m innocent. That’s the best problem there is.”

The first person Thomas Abreu, allegedly, decided to kill, a 21-year-old man, begged for his mother after a bullet tore through his torso, burning a hot path of twisting lead ripping through his body and out of his shoulder.

A woman coming out of a drug store in the Bronx just as the shots were fired at 11:15 a.m. said the man named Caesar pleaded, “Don’t let me die! Don’t let me die! Mom! Mom! Don’t let me die!”

He survived and should be okay. But you know Caesar will never be the same. How could he? Walking down a street one minute, laying on the sidewalk the next, blood pouring out of his torso and shoulder, screaming from the white-hot pain, begging not to die. How could anyone be the same after that?

Couple of days before he went ballistically bananas, the 25-year-old, who police sources say is “extremely emotionally disturbed,” told Jose Rodriguez, his boss at a Dominican restaurant, that Alexa, the Amazon virtual assistant, knew what Rodriguez would say, before he said it.

This nutcase, who also said his boss implanted a chip in his brain, and “people are after me” is accused of shooting four people, including a couple of little kids, while riding his scooter wildly through New York’s The Bronx and Queens boroughs.

When he was arrested, Abreu told the cops, “the Russians are after me, the Chinese are after me, the Italians are after me, Africa is after me.”

You know how most times the people who next door to accused killers never suspected a thing was wrong. Most times, they say their neighbor, who turned out to be a homicidal maniac, “was such a nice guy.”

Well this time, the people on Abreu’s block in the Bronx, knew he was playing with, at most, 49 or 50 cards.

The neighbors say Abreu was always riding around with a bunch of other crazies on bikes and scooters, “like freaking maniacs,” is what one guy told the NY Post.

Judge Dunn ordered a psych evaluation. Stay tuned…

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